Using Customer Data Platforms Secure Your Customer Data

In order to build a strong relationship with your customers, you need to have trust. Today, in the world of massive data breaches, establishing a long, trustworthy relationship with the customers is easier said and done. Just last year, more than 2,900 data breaches were reported.

Customers have a hard time trusting companies with their data from the get-go. They want proof that their data will be secure and most of them aren’t ready to trust the company they’re doing business with, even then. However, it’s certainly not impossible. 

You just need to invest a certain amount of work hours and allocate some of your budget towards cybersecurity and customer data management. Today, we’re going to teach you just that. Here’s what you need to do to secure the data of your customers and build trust. 

Why Is Customer Trust So Important Today?

Do you think you’re safe if you have a small operation? Think again. Over the past 10 years, only 300 cyberattacks exposed more than 10,000 customer records. Criminals tend to attack small companies because they don’t have enough resources to defend themselves properly. 

Failures to manage customer documents, information leaks, and data branches can quickly lead to your business losing customers. If a single person starts thinking their data isn’t handled properly, they will take their information elsewhere and start doing business with competition. 

But that’s not all. You can’t just pay a lot for a cybersecurity system and look the other way. Responsible data usage also heavily depends on how well you keep the data of your customers stored and organized. Therefore, it’s critical to centralize the data as well. 

How Using a Customer Data Platform Can Help You

To keep all of your customers’ records safe, you need to have the right tools. A CDP - Customer Data Platform - will allow you to store data across all of your systems and devices through cloud feeds, APIs, and SDKs. One of these platforms can help you gather all of that data and create a unique profile for each and every one of your customers. 

Here are some of the biggest security benefits of Customer Data Platforms...

  • Create a Centralised Infrastructure

An average business uses more than 90 cloud-based tools. With so many tools, your customer data is probably scattered all across. A CDP will help you collect all of that data and keep it in one place. Not only will this allow you to keep a close eye on the customer data, but it will also give you a better understanding of the customer journey. 

  • Secure Privacy With a Dedicated Tech Stack

A Customer Data Platform is capable of handling multiple data requests at the same time. The platform’s forwarding capabilities let you share consent updates with other tools, as your tech stack grows. Lastly, data filtering capabilities enable you to forward data based on consent attributes to make sure that compliance throughout the data stack. 

  • Designed to Keep Your Customer Data Safe

If you have a lot of new customers, then you have to deal with new customer data sets all the time. Controlling and organizing the flow of data is crucial to maintaining trust. A Customer Data Platform will keep all of that data security by providing a good layer of encryption and by preventing MITM attacks from within the organization. 

Customer Data Platform Redefining Security

Having a secure data framework is a cornerstone of any information security strategy. Your data needs to be stored properly, the records should be maintained regularly, and your tools need to be designed for data security specifically. Only then will you be able to give the customers the confidence they need to keep doing work with your business without having second thoughts.

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